He has been a key member of the tennis team and has served as a Captain. Amz has been an active participant in National Honor Society, Chick-fil-A Leader Academy, Youth and Government, Student Government Association, Science and Trivia Clubs. Amz has also volunteered at My Sister’s Attic and the Wilson Country Club.

Amz has been accepted to App State, ECU, and Alabama. Amz will be attending East Carolina University in the Fall where he has been named to the ECU Honors College where he received a scholarship for full tuition to ECU. Amz is going to study Business.

Check out his interview below to learn more about Amz!

  1. How long have you attended Greenfield School?  A long time. I was 2 or 3.
  2. What is your favorite class that you have taken at Greenfield School? Mrs. Green’s 8th grade reading class because we learned but had a great time.
  3. What is your favorite thing to do outside of school? Playing tennis and spending time with my friends. And of course, Calculus homework.
  4. What kind of music is on your playlist/Who is your favorite band? Some of everything. Death metal, country, rap, classic rock.
  5. Where have you been accepted to college/ where are you attending? ECU, Alabama and Appalachian State. I’ll attend ECU Honors College.
  6. Do you know what you want to major in? Right now, Business, but that could change 5 times before I graduate college.
  7. What is your favorite show? Close call between Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy.
  8. If you could do high school over again, what would you do differently? I would not take Calculus because I don’t plan in being in a field that requires it.
  9. What accomplishment at Greenfield School are you most proud of? Getting into to the Honors College at ECU.
  10. What will you miss about Greenfield School next year? I will miss my friends.