Ryann has been a captain of the Swimming, Tennis and Soccer teams and has also been a key member of the Shooting Team, winning multiple awards in each sport. Ryann serves as the school photographer at many events. She has also won the Michelangelo and Yearbook award and has volunteered at multiple organizations across Wilson and at the beach.
Ryann has been accepted to Meredith College, High Point University, and UNC Charlotte. She will be attending Meredith College in the fall where she will major in graphic design with the hopes of starting her own business one day! Don’t forget to check out her interview below!
- How long have you been at GS? I’ve been here since 6th grade.
- What has been your favorite class and why? My favorite class has been Junior year chemistry with Mrs. Lupton. It was a really small class and we were able to learn and have fun at the same time.
- What is your favorite thing to do outside of school? I like to paint, ride on 4 wheelers, take pictures, and shoot sporting clays.
- What is on your playlist? I listen to country music and music from 2000-2010.
- What colleges have you been accepted to and where are you going? Meredith, High Point and UNCC. I’m going to Meredith in the fall.
- What are you planning on majoring in? I’m majoring in Graphic Design.
- What is your favorite show? Chicago Fire.
- If you could do high school over again, what would you do differently? I would take harder classes and push myself more.
- What accomplishment are you most proud of? I’m proud of being the Editor and Chief for the Yearbook which helped me learn graphic design skills.
- What will you miss the most about GS? I’ll miss being able to play all the sports.