College Prep Breakfast

Please mark your calendars for Thursday, September 7th, from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. We are excited to extend an invitation to all parents of 9th and 10th graders to join us in the cafeteria for an informative presentation.

During this session, we will explore various aspects of your child's educational journey. Topics on the agenda include gaining insights into what colleges are looking for in prospective students, learning how to provide the best possible support for your child, discovering when and how to initiate discussions about college choices and campus tours, and tips regarding effective SAT and ACT preparation strategies.

This presentation is designed to be a valuable resource for both you and your students as they navigate their high school years and start planning for their future academic pursuits. Your presence and engagement in this event can make a significant difference in your child's educational path.

We hope to see you there!

