Chick-fil-A Leader Academy is hosting Wilson Swamp Stomp April 29th

We are so excited to be a part of this event, but we need your help to reach our goal! The students have set a very lofty fundraising goal of $20,000 this year!!!! We will be hosting a spirit night thanks to Chick-fil-A of Wilson on Tuesday, March 7th from 5pm-8pm to help with costs for the race.

 What: Chick-fil-A Leader Academy Spirit Night

To benefit: Wilson Swamp Stomp on Greenfield Campus - all money raised goes toward the race and to benefit the Hope Station

When: Tuesday, March 7th from 5:00p-8:00p

Where: Chick-fil-A of Wilson

How you can help: We receive a portion of ALL SALES from 5p-8p and we receive an additional $1 for every six-pack of cookies or gallon of tea we sell
