Greenfield Implements 1:1 devices for 2018-19 school year

Greenfield School strives to prepare our graduates for success both in college and beyond. A growing part of being prepared for college is the ability to utilize technology in the classroom. One-to-one (1:1) programs have become increasingly common and are viewed as an integral part of the education of the total student in preparation for success in a fully connected, global world. With this in mind; Greenfield School has decided to implement a 1:1 program for all students in grades 9-12.

The goal of a successful 1:1 program is to develop students who are digitally literate and allow them anytime access to learning resources. In the 21st century, when a student enters college or the workplace it is expected that they will be able to use the technology tools provided to them to effectively communicate and complete their work. Greenfield students will utilize their devices to complete assignments, do research, communicate with their teachers and collaborate with other students on team projects.

After careful consideration, and evaluation of 1:1 programs at other institutions similar to Greenfield School, the decision has been made to implement a 1:1 BYOD initiative at Greenfield School starting with the 2018-2019 school year.
