Servant Leader Academy

The Servant Leader Academy at Greenfield teaches students about the value of servant leadership and that even as teenagers, they can make such a tremendous difference in the Wilson community. The Servant Leader Academy was busy planning for a 5K / 1 Mile Fun Run with all proceeds benifiting the Whirlidogs, when they had to put their plans on hold for COVID-19.  Whirlidogs is a local non-profit in Wilson that provides inclusion and employment opportunities for differently abled citizens of Wilson county. 


The leader academy could have just let this year's project go due to social distancing issues, but instead chose to partner with the Whirlidogs to offer socialization gatherings through a Zoom format to WhirliDog Friends with special needs. The students have met several times with the Whirlidogs at this point, and have created three different opportunities to connect! The students have created "how-to" videos that are posted to the Whirlidogs' YouTube channel. The leader academy is also scheduling live dance and exercise classes to be offered in the coming weeks with their Whirlidog friends. Finally, they are willing to be a virtual 1:1 buddy to a special friend - inclusion and connection matter now, more than ever! 


Not only is there hard work apparent in the community but especially at Greenfield. Fall 2023 the Servant Leader Academy hosted their annual Powder Puff game which was dedicated to staff member Ms. Bunch. This incredible event raised over $4,200 to help fund her medical treatment.


We are so proud of this special group of kids who are proving that you can still have impact through action! 

Servant Leader Academy is a national high school leadership program focused on impact through action. The world needs more leaders who impact their local communities, and high school students are the answer! The students meet at least monthly for leader labs to cover topics such as servant leadership, innovation, and communication. The students then work on two projects for the year. The Do Good December project is a smaller project to benefit a population of their community. In April, the students design, create and lead a large impact project.